The Transverzala Guidebook follows the tried-and-true method of walking the trail: start up the approach route from the capital and then turn left to join the Transverzala circular route. However, the Guidebook enables you to walk the whole trail in many other ways. Among other things, the Transverzala Guidebook includes:
+ An overview map of Slovenia, 6 section maps and 22 maps of places along the route
+ Information on hundreds of providers of services essential to Transverzala travellers, including grocery stores, lodgings, pharmacies, and ice-cream parlours
+ Dozens of important notices, ranging from reminders that you are crossing a furry creatures' stomping ground to warnings about nearby fields of horribly delicious blueberries
+ Dozens of notes on natural and cultural heritage sites along the way
+ Hundreds of notes alerting you to scenic viewpoints and resting places, water sources and safe campfire sites, peaks, memorials, swimming spots ...
+ And 15 unmissable stars.
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+ Transverzala winds its way from one protected natural area to another, crossing 1 national park, 1 regional park, 2 geoparks, 4 natural and cultural world heritage sites, 6 old-growth forests, 8 landscape parks and 22 forest and botanical reserves.
+ Among all the true long-distance trails, Transverzala is the only circular one. The circuit is a respectable 1406.3 km in length, has a total elevation gain of lively 80.6 km, and takes two months to complete.
+ It can be walked by anyone and offers something for everyone: there is always an alternative, less demanding route, whenever there is a challenging or extra challenging section.
Jakob and Aljaž Kenda
+Editor Mateja Seliškar Kenda
+Designer Andraž Filač
+Maps Nina Čelhar
+Typesetter Katja Kastelic
+Proofreader and copy editor Marija Čeč
+Foto Aleš Krivec, Jakob J. Kenda
+Publisher ISPO
+Length 216 pages
+Size 13,3 x 19,1 cm
+Weight 310 g